Saturday, December 5, 2009

" The maiden uttered some inarticulate sounds looked at the river and then in the face of the Sacristan. It struck Father Philip at that instant that a Highland chief of distinction had been for some time expected to pay.

The editor? . . . All right. . . I am the man who killed old Norcross . . . Wait! Hold the wire; I'm not the usual crank . . . Oh there isn't the slightest danger. I've just been discussing it with a detective friend of mine. I killed the old man at 2:30 A. M. two weeks ago to-morrow. . . . Have a drink with you? Now hadn't you better.
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Was unconvinced. "How long does it take to empty a small vial into an open dish? One twirl of the spoon and who was to know? And when your master was calm again no doubt the prior's gift made a very handy and welcome sop to his pride and he ate it gladly. " "But did this boy even know " asked Cadfael intervening very gingerly "that the dish left in the kitchen was meant solely for Master Bonel? He would hardly risk harm to his mother. " The sergeant was by that time too certain of his quarry to be impressed by any such argument. He eyed Aldith hard and for all her resolution she paled a little. "With such a strange gathering to wait on was it likely the girl would miss the chance of a pleasant distraction for her master? When you went in to serve him his meat did you not tell him of.
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